9th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems

September 20 - 27, 2014, Venice-Istanbul
The local organizing committee wishes to thank all participants for a very successfull conference!

You can find some of the images in the gallery. Additionally, you can download plenary lectures' presentations as well as all the presentations from the panels.

Please beware of invitations for publishing from journals not related to the conference! Official invitation will be distributed only from the sdewes conference email, and will have a conference header and an option to accept or decline the invitation.

For all attendees who have submitted a full paper which is included in the proceedings, please cite it as follows:

N1. Surname1, N2. Surname2, other authors, Title, Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SDEWES2014.nnnn, 1-m (2014)
(where "nnnn" is your submission code and "m" is the page count of your submission)

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SPECIAL SESSION: Energy and Water Efficiency and Green Energy for Sustainable Future: Knowledge Development and Transfer
Session resume:

In July 2013 this session received a considerable attention, which resulted in an even higher number of invited lectures and participants than before, as well as authors invited to publish the extended manuscripts in dedicated Special Issues of journals with a high Impact Factor.

Due to the high demand it has been decided to organise this session again in 2014. The main focus of the session is on research and demonstration in the field of energy and water efficiency for improving the sustainability in industrial and other activities. However, this year the topic has been extended with knowledge management. This is prompted by the overwhelmingly increasing number of research works, books and other publications, with ever more strengthening complexity and multidisciplinarity.

Dr. Petar Varbanov
Brno University of Technology
Brno, Czech Republic
Dr Varbanov worked for the Institute of Chemical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, where he still acts as a Consultant. After a spell in the industry in Bulgaria he got a scholarship at a prestigious British University – UMIST, Manchester. He got PhD in Process Integration from UMIST with distinction and won another prestigious EC Marie Curie grant for 2-year research at Technische Universität Berlin, followed by another EC grant for coming to the University of Pannonia - Hungary, where he is a Deputy Head of the Centre for Process Integration and Intensification CPI2.

His experience covers energy saving, water and waste water minimization, optimization of energy supply networks, Systems Modelling, Process Synthesis and Process Operation. His research has been successfully implemented in collaboration with industrial partners: BP-Coryton, BP-Grangemouth, MOL Százhalombatta. Presently he has been contributing to 7 EC co-funded research projects. He has published more than 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals. He is a co-author of two books and several chapters in books. Dr Varbanov acts as a scientific secretary of the PRES series of conferences and editor of the related Special Issues in respected journals such as Applied Thermal Engineering, Journal of Cleaner Production, Cleaner Technologies and Environmental Policy, Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. Dr Varbanov is Subject Editor for ENERGY, for the topic of Energy Planning Tools.
Prof. Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno
Brno, Czech Republic
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Cleaner Production. The founder and President for 24 y of PRES (Process Integration for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction) conferences. Chairperson of CAPE Working Party of EFCE, a member of WP on Process Intensification and of the EFCE Sustainability platform. He authored and co-authored more than 700 papers, h-index reaching 65. A number of books published by Elsevier, Woodhead, McGraw-Hill; Ashgate Publishing Cambridge; Springer; WILEY-VCH; Taylor & Francis).
Several times Distinguished Visiting Professor at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and University Technology Petronas, Malaysia; Xi’an Jiaotong University; South China University of Technology, Guangzhou and Tianjin University in China; University of Maribor, Slovenia; Brno University of Technology and the Russian Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow. Doctor Honoris Causa of Kharkiv National University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” in Ukraine, the University of Maribor in Slovenia, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania. “Honorary Doctor of Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia”. Awarded with “Honorary Membership of Czech Society of Chemical Engineering", "European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) Life-Time Achievements Award" and "Pro Universitaire Pannonica" Gold Medal.

Invited papers (10)
SPECIAL SESSION: Biofuels and Co-products Sustainability
Session resume:

Biofuels gain market as an energy source that can increase security of supply, significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions as compared to fossil fuels and provide a new profits flow for farmers. However, many of the biofuels that are currently being supplied have been criticized for their unfavorable impacts on the environment, food security, and land use.


Prof. Viatcheslav Kafarov
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Bucaramanga, Colombia
Professor, Dr. –Ing. habil. Viatcheslav V. Kafarov is the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development in Industry and Energy and Professor at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering. He has been director of Postgraduate Programmes at the Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colombia), dean of the Faculty of Physical and Chemical Engineering, Director of the Office of Foreign Affairs and Coordinator of special projects of Rectory. Obtained a PhD. in Chemical Engineering at Russian University of Chemical Technology - D.I. Mendeleyev - Moscow, Russia in 1985, and Dr.-Ing. habil. in Technical Science at Martin Luther University Halle- Wittenberg, Germany in 1993. At Industrial University of Santander from 1995 he develops research in the field of first, second and third generation biofuels production, sustainable development and Life Cycle Assessment for biofuels production, process integration and exergy analysis, energy transition and waste treatment and recovery. Participated in several international projects: CYTED 306RTO279 - New technologies for biofuels production - UNESCO code 330303, 332205, 530603, 330399; CYTED 307RT0324 - Hydrogen: Production and Purification; Storage and Transport - UNESCO code 332202; EU Quality Standards Aligned Modernisation of Renewable Energy Engineering Curriculum for Bachelor and Master students and Improving Skills Development of PhD students in Universities of Latin America funded by European Union - ERASMUS+, The Crux Project; Enabling Harvesting of Solar Energy for Remote Applications in the Andes Region (LA-SOLAR ENHANCE) funded by The Royal Society - Code: ICAR19120; Development of a computational methodological tool and renewable energy technology for energy transition in high mountain areas under post-pandemic conditions funded by MinCiencias. Author and co-author of 11 books; 19 book chapters; 3 patents; more than 100 articles in scientific journals; 150 presentations at international congresses and conferences (Plenaries, keynote lectures, oral presentations, posters). Supervisor of 20 doctoral theses, 45 master theses, more than 127 undergraduate theses. Currently with more than 1564 citations reported by Scopus.

Invited papers (5)
SPECIAL SESSION: Resources management and greenhouse gasses emissions evaluation
Session resume:

During the environmental impact assessment of processes and products, there is a tendency to focus on water efficiency and greenhouse gasses emissions. Unlike Europe, Latin America has not yet built the environmental impacts inventories for many industrial sectors, this situation leads to the use of European references, when working in related topics, which not always resemble Latin American reality. This section is devoted to present Latin American research and applied projects aimed to improve water efficiency and evaluate greenhouse gasses emission in the local productive sector.  

The challenge is to support sustainability in a region composed by developing countries, including products and processes life cycle assessments, energy integration, water management, waste management, greenhouse gasses emissions evaluation and water treatments.

Prof. Paola Acevedo Pabón
Bogotá, Colombia
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineer fluent in Spanish, English and Italian. Excellent training in management and development of chemical and physicochemical processes in industry and research. Extensive knowledge in specific areas such as Sustainable Development, Economic Evaluation, Biofuels, Bioprocess, Life Cycle Assessment, Technology Transfer, Process Safety and Process Simulation. Also, with skills and experience in teaching, research, projects organization and working under pressure. Professional with high level of solidarity, responsibility, creativity, tolerance, committed to her work with holistic vision and ability to work in interdisciplinary teams.

Invited papers (3)
SPECIAL SESSION: Measurement, modeling, and standards for sustainability
Session resume:

The idea of sustainability has now penetrated most science and engineering disciplines.  Science and engineering together create technologies in the modern world, while the sustainability concept provides additional constraints.  They must be considered to steer the development of useful technologies that protect the human health, wellbeing, the environment, and also protect the future generation for resource availability. Solution oriented technologies in this sense need better integration of sustainability ideas such that useful models can be created that use real world data to make sustainability decisions. Standards and guidance are needed to assure the robustness of these decisions that can be quantified.  The purpose of this session is to showcase the latest advances in modeling for sustainability, in standards that assure data and decision quality, and in quantification of sustainability.  Theoretical development and practical examples are being sought for a balance between knowledge and practice.

Dr. Subhas K. Sikdar
Cincinnati, United States
Dr. Subhas K. Sikdar is now retired from the US EPA. He retired from his position as the Associate Director for Science at the National Risk Management Research Laboratory
Prof. Farhang Shadman
University of Arizona
Tucson, United States
Dr. Shadman is a Regents Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering (joint appointment as a Professor of Optical Sciences) at the University of Arizona and the Director of the Engineering Research Center for Environmentally Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing. He was also the founder and Director of Sematech Center for Defect Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing from 1986 to 1996.
Dr. Shadman (PhD from the University of California-Berkeley, 1972) is the author of more than 110 journal articles, 3 book chapters, and 21 patents/invention disclosures. Among his awards are Akira-Inoue Award (2002), Landmark Innovation Award (2000), SRC/Sematech/SIA Excellence in Research Award (1998 and 1992), and Invention Awards (SRC 1991 and 1992). He is a Fellow of American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

Invited papers (11)